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Testing for Bulk Material Handling Systems

Time to Read: 0m 58s

A solid bulk material handling system offers numerous benefits such as:
  • Preventing material degradation
  • Preventing product loss
  • Reducing equipment wear
  • Preventing combustible dust explosions
But how will it work in your plant? How will it work with your materials? The best way to answer this question is to recreate the conditions of your plant elsewhere and do a dry run. That might sound like a daunting task. Fortunately, there are companies that provide testing for bulk material handling systems.

Nol-Tec will recreate your plants and its conditions at its facility in Lino Lakes, Minnesota, to test how their dense phase conveying systems work with the kinds of materials you handle. This testing process is designed to give you the confidence and peace of mind that comes with knowing that this equipment will work with your materials. Bulk material handling is used for a wide range of materials, from potato flakes to powdered aluminum. Some materials, like sugar, produce dust that can be extremely volatile. The engineers at Nol-Tec are experts in preventing combustible dust explosions. To learn more about testing for bulk material handling systems, visit Nol-Tec's website at