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Sniff Out Gas Leaks -- Fast!

Time to Read: 1m 7s

Remember this? (The relevant part starts at the 5:00 mark.) In this old episode of Home Improvement, Tim accidentally blows up his friend Benny's house after fixing a leaky furnace. Why? Because there's another gas leak -- in the stove -- that Tim doesn't know about. Tim claps, activating a lamp that's plugged into a socket inside the house, igniting the gas from the stove. The house blows to smithereens. A debate ensues over who is to blame for the explosion -- Benny for saying nothing about the leak in the stove or Tim for clapping. If only Tim had had a TracerMate leak detection device. He and his partner Al would have realized that there was a gas leak in the stove and they would have been able to fix it, preventing the explosion altogether.

TracerMate Leak Location Solutions

Cincinnati Test Systems is a leader in sniff testing for gas leaks. Tracermate CS Leak Location Systems are useful for a range of applications, including:
  • Automotive
  • HVAC/R
  • Trucks / Transportation / Motorcycles
  • Heavy Construction Equipment
  • Agricultural / Lawn Garden
  • Aerospace
TracerMate CS Leak Location Systems are easy to use -- simply use the sniffing probe to find where the leak is coming from. The results will display on the easy-to-read plug-and-play interface. We can't think of a simpler way to test for gas leaks.