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Intercomp Company

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Intercomp Company USA Location
3839 County Road 116
Medina, MN 55340
Toll Free: 800-328-3336
Phone: 763-476-2531
Fax: 763-476-2613 

Intercomp Europe
Manor Farm Road, Shurlock Row
Berkshire, RG10 0PY, United Kingdom
Phone: 0118 932 0578 

Manufacturer of Portable Weighing and Measurement Systems

For over 40 years, Intercomp Company has been he world's largest manufacturer of portable weighing and measurement products. They provide superior quality portable and inground weighing systems.   As the axle-weighing specialist, Intercomp Company's static wheel and axle scales and dynamic weigh-in-motion systems are designed with the most innovative technology in the world. Intercomp produces the highest quality products for customers in the following industries: Wheel/Axle Scales, ITS/Enforcement Scales, Aircraft Scales, Military Scales, Racing Scales, Agriculture Scales, and Crane and Material Handling Scales.  Inte