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Hose Connects

Time to Read: 1m 22s

Hose connects are, as the name implies, used to connect a length of hose to a tap, hose appliance (such as a sprinkler), or another hose. Hose connects are generally made of steel, aluminum, or other corrosion- and rust-resistant metals, or plastic materials, such as polypropylene. Hose connects are perhaps most commonly used to connect garden hoses to water spigots. However, they are also used in countless other applications and industries. They may be used for firehoses or other water hoses, air or compressed air hoses, in hydraulic or pneumatic systems, in steam or chemical applications, in high pressure systems, or to move fuel, oil, or petroleum. Hose connects can generally be easily found in all standard imperial and metric sizes. Many manufacturers also provide custom sizes to meet the needs of unique customer applications. A hose connect may include a gasket to produce a more air- or watertight seal between the hose and its connection mate. Though they are known generally as “hose connects,” there are, in fact, many different styles and configurations of these devices available. “Male,” “female,” or “sexless” connection poi