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Glass Cutting Tables

Time to Read: 1m 52s

Glass cutting tables are the tables used to transfer glass into a glass cutting machine for computer numerical control (CNC) glass cutting operations. These glass cutting tables have a soft non-scratch surface that grips the glass and prevents sliding, and the table itself is capable of going from a horizontal orientation to a fully vertical orientation.

Glass Cutting Table Manufacturers

  • CMS North America: an expert in glass cutting machines and glass cutting tables, CMS North America glass cutting tables provide strength and reliability with tables that maintain their rigidity for years. CMS North America is the leading expert in glass cutting equipment manufacturing and produces glass cutting tables for small single table applications all the way up to full large-sized and high volume glass cutting shops.

Glass Cutting Table Purpose

Large computer glass cutting machines typically involve three principle parts:
  • The actual cutting machine, which runs on two axis enabling it to cut any two-dimensional shape, including curves and circles.
  • The flat cutting table surface on which the glass is cut.
  • A separate table that is used for loading the glass into the glass cutting machine.
This separate loading table is necessary to the glass cutting operation when dealing with very large pieces of glass. Typically the very large glass sheets are still a comparatively thin sheet of glass. The size compared to the thickness is such that it is not capable of holding up its own weight: if you tried to hold the sheet of glass horizontally, it would break in on itself. For this reason, the glass cannot be placed horizontally onto the glass cutting table. Instead, it's necessary to have a separate loading table. This loading table has hydraulics that enable the table to move to a vertical (or near vertical) orientation for the loading and unloading of large sheets of glass. The table is moved upright to an almost vertical orientation, with a slight degree of tilt. The glass sheet is then loaded vertically onto the table, where the slight tilt keep the glass from falling. The glass loading table can the be brought to the horizontal orientation that's needed to actually cut the glass, supporting the glass itself as it goes down. The following video demonstrates the process: