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Conveying Systems

Time to Read: 0m 43s

Image courtesy of Can Lines Engineering.Did you know that conveyor belts date back to the 19th century? According to Wikipedia, it's true. Conveyor belts are the brain child of an inventor named Thomas Robins, who started his work that led to the development of the conveyor belt in 1892. Conveying systems now play  a huge role in our every day lives -- from the supermarket to the manufacturing plants that make the things we buy at the supermarket.

Can Lines Engineering has been in the business of making conveying systems since 1960. The company has made numerous improvements to Thomas Robin's original concept and produces state-of-the-art equipment for a wide range of industries. CLE helps manufacturers develop and install conveying systems that fit within their plant layouts, maximizing efficiency. To learn more about Can Lines Engineering, visit their website at

Image courtesy of Can Lines Engineering.