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Electri-Cord Manufacturing

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Electri-Cord Manufacturing. Co. Headquarters
312 E. Main Street
Westfield, PA 16950
Phone: 814-367-2265
Fax: 814-367-2314

Electri-Cord Sales and Distribution
2425 Enterprise Drive, Suite #400
Mendota Heights, MN 55120

Electri-Cord Mexico Manufacturing
Anillo Periférico Sur Manuel Gómez Morín 7980 Int 5 Col,
Santa María Tequepexpan
45601 San Pedro Tlaquepaque, Jal., Mexico
Tel: 011-52-333-133-3680 

Turnkey Electronics Manufacturing

Electri-Cord is a turnkey electronics manufacturing company offering wiring harnesses, cable assemblies, power cords, and other products designed and manufactured to meet your specifications. Since 1946, they've provided electronic products and parts for industries across the globe including automotive, alternative energy, commercial and industrial, military and defense, and medical and life sciences. The company's capabilities also include contract manufacturing, engineering, product development, and state-of-the-art business solutions to help companies increase efficiency.   To provide the best nearshoring and offshoring production capabilities, they provide manufacturing capabilities in the following countries: USA, Mexico, China, Taiwan, Brazil, and Vietnam.  They maintain world-class manufacturing standards, processes, and procedures to exceed the quality standards set by the markets and industries they serve.

Electronics, Project Management and Global Supply Chain

  • Wiring Harnesses
  • Cable Assemblies
  • Kitting & Assembly
  • Power Cords 
  • Contract Manufacturing 
  • Product Development